This is my 2D Shooter project for Game Design and Development 1: 2D Shooter > Week 3.

This is a student project. This is not a full game.

Significant modifications:

    1. Modification #1: Added a ClampCamera method to keep the camera restricted to a specific area of the playspace. This prevents the camera from revealing the back-end of the asteroid border. Satisfies "Gameplay Modifications" from
    2. Modification #2: Added a new game mode called Capture the Flag. The object is to navigate the playspace vertically, capture the red flag, and return to base. Satisfies "Add new obstacles and challenges." from
    3. Modification #3: Adding a new DefenseFromEnemies script that prevents enemy projectiles from harming the player when the player is in the green safe zone. Satisfies "Add new obstacles and challenges." from
    4. Modification #4: Adding a Capture the Flag main menu option and scene. Satisfies "Modify the out-of-game menus in some significant and meaningful way" from
    5. Modification #5: Adjusting the Controller script to destroy the flag object once the player object touches it. Satisfies "Add new obstacles and challenges." from

    Know bugs:

    • Crashing into enemies counts as an enemy kill. Therefore, it is possible to kamikaze to progress to higher levels.
    • The Capture the Flag mode currently has no in-game instructions.
    • The Capture the Flag mode currently has no victory screen. Instead, upon victory, the player is booted back to the main menu.

    Rules for the Capture the Flag mode:

    1. Capture the flag (ie, find it then grab it)
    2. Return back to the green Safe Zone without getting killed by the enemies (ie, fly like hell) 

    Created by Caleb J. Ross


    SpaceBlasterInSpaaaaaaaace_Version 28 MB
    SpaceBlasterInSpaaaaaaaace_Version 38 MB

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